The Australian government offers a number of grants for the benefit of employers, including:

  • Apprenticeship Incentives

There are a number of initiatives which will assist employers who agree to employ an apprentice, particularly where the apprentice is hired by a business in a trade experiencing a skills shortage which has been identified in the “National Skills Needs’ List”.

There are different programs for the employment of apprentices, as follows:

  • school based apprenticeships
  • existing workers who become an apprentice
  • apprentices with disabilities
  • adult apprentices
  • apprenticeships for indigenous Australians

These programs are in addition to the standard apprenticeship incentives.

  • Job Active

Job active helps employers find the right staff for the business, at no cost to the employer.  A local job active provider does this by recommending a shortlist of “screened and job ready” candidates while offering professional recruitment services across all industries.

Employers need to register with job active.

  • Restart Wage Subsidy

Businesses that provide employment to people aged 50 years or older could be eligible for a subsidy.

  • Employer Support Payment

The employer support payment provides financial assistance to eligible employers of reservists when the reservist is absent on eligible periods of defence service.  Self-employed reservists can also access the employer support payment.

For full-time employees, employer support payments are made at a set weekly rate equivalent to average weekly full-time adult ordinary times earnings (AWOTE).

  • Wage Subsidy Scheme – Disability

The wage subsidy scheme provides a financial incentive to eligible employers when considering the employment of jobseekers with a disability or with some other barriers to employment.  Wage subsidies payments are made to employers to help cover the costs of wages and training in the first few months of employment of a person with a disability or a person experiencing other barriers to employment.


An Important Message

While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents.  Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.