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Xero Tips – Repeating Invoices and Bills

Do you have regular bills to pay or do you send regular invoices to customers?

You can use Xero’s repeating invoices or bills to create templates which Xero will automatically create an invoice or bill for you according to the frequency you specify and drop the it on the Draft tab (if you need to vary the amount or something else each time) or the Awaiting Payment tab (if the it is the same every time).  Xero can even email your recurring invoices based on your custom template.

To add or edit a repeating template – Sales

  1. Create a new template or open an existing template:
    • In the Sales screen, click New and select New Repeating Invoice.
    • From the Repeating tab, click New Repeating Invoice. To edit an existing repeating template, locate the template in the list and click into it.
    • From a contact’s details, click New and select Repeating invoice to create a repeating template for the contact.
    • In the Sales screen, click Invoice Options on an existing transaction, then select Repeat.
  2. Enter or edit your information in the repeating transaction fields.To set up an annual repeating template, under the Repeat this transaction every option, select:
    • 52 and Week(s) – if the invoice is to be repeated on a particular day of the week
    • 12 and Month(s) – if the invoice is to be repeated on a particular calendar date
  3. Click Save.

To add or edit a repeating template – Purchases

  1. Create a new template or open an existing template:
    • In the Purchases screen, click New and select New Repeating Bill.
    • From the Repeating tab, click New Repeating Bill. To edit an existing repeating template, locate the template in the list and click into it.
    • From a contact’s details, click New and select Repeating bill to create a repeating template for the contact.
    • In the Purchases screen, click Bill Options on an existing transaction, then select Repeat.
  2. Enter or edit your information in the repeating transaction fields.To set up an annual repeating template, under the Repeat this transaction every option, select:
    • 52 and Week(s) – if the bill is to be repeated on a particular day of the week
    • 12 and Month(s) – if the bill is to be repeated on a particular calendar date
  3. Click Save.

If you’re editing an existing template, your changes are applied to all subsequent transactions. You can view your changes in the History & Notes.

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While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents.  Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.